Shout out! Hey Poconos!!!

I wanted to say "hey" to the Anthem Guy who is always so helpful and makes my job look SO easy!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Brown Goo Mystery

My mother asked me to buy a refrigerator for her the other day. (NO... NO...NO... and if my siblings are watching, I swear I'll pack her up and send her to YOU if you buy her a fridge! Don't DO IT!!!)


All my life, whenever there's a refrigerator in my Mom's life, it's got this puddle of brown goo under the crisper drawers. Not IN the drawers, under them. This is a mystery that my sisters and I have pondered on several occasions. We grew up with the goo. But none of us have had the goo in our own refrigerators.

OK, I had the goo. But only after Mom moved in with me. I haven't asked my brother, but once she stayed at his house for several months. I wonder if HE got the goo. (I know she kept a bowl of cookie dough under her bed for several weeks while she was there.) As soon as Mom moves out, the goo disappears. WHAT IS IT???? What combination of stuff do you have to buy and ignore in order to get the Brown Goo.

I'm open to answers out there. Anybody have a clue about the goo?

Anyway... I told my mother in no uncertain terms, no fridge. It's back to the hoarding. If Mom had a fridge, she'd save every uneaten morsel of the food she hates so much. Her bureau drawers are filled with bread slices, hard as boards, butter pats and salad dressing packets as it is.... imagine what she'd do with a fridge....



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