Shout out! Hey Poconos!!!

I wanted to say "hey" to the Anthem Guy who is always so helpful and makes my job look SO easy!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

So Sad...

Mom's just slipping. Her physical health is pretty good. Her mental health is so troublesome. She's lost most of the time. Literally. She wanders around the nursing home, wondering what day it is... what time... She can't find my office anymore.

She wanders into administration and goes into every office door. I've been told that she'll go into one office, not see me, then leave. Then she'll turn around and go right back in. If I see her, I'll go get her and wheel her in.

The hoarding continues to grow and grow. She saves everything and spends her days sorting, stacking and "organizing". It's all undone at the end of the day because her sorting is done on her bed and it must be cleared for her to sleep.

The prospect of acquiring really energizes her. It doesn't matter what the prize, it's the acquisition that thrills her. She saves beads, packs of catchup (she hates catchup), bendy straws. Her largest collection is the little postcard pullouts that come in magazines. Sadly, she also pilfers prizes from her neighbors. Most are very understanding and just quietly take their belongings back.

Her long term memory is beginning to intrude upon the present. She asks me where clothing is that she hasn't worn in years. She thinks she sees people who are long dead.

One of the nurses approached me today and asked if I'd noticed how my mom's dementia has escalated. Yes. I've noticed. I'm at a complete loss as to what to do? I know she's safe. I know she's well cared for. She might complain about "the service" but they really do look after her.

What's next? Tomorrow. That's what's next. And we'll take it a day at a time.



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