Shout out! Hey Poconos!!!

I wanted to say "hey" to the Anthem Guy who is always so helpful and makes my job look SO easy!!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Bi-Polar Heaven

My mom is coming off a two week long manic phase.

I went to see her tonight and was surprised to find that she wasn't having dinner with her girlfriends in the dining room. They said she hadn't been at lunch either. When I went back to her room, I found her slumped over in wheelchair.

Her room was a total disaster area. Worse than I'd ever seen it. She's been on a couple of major shopping benders. They took her to Wal-Mart last Wednesday. Holy crap. She bought the store out. Her blood sugar has to be through the roof. There is so much candy in that room it's pathetic. She told me about all the fresh fruit she bought. The activities director actually came up to me and said, "You need to go organize your mother's room. She bought a LOT of stuff at Wal-Mart today." I have told them and told them "Don't take my mother to Wal-Mart." Did they listen? Noooooo. I told her "You took her to Wal-Mart, YOU deal with it." Hmmmm I think I ticked her off!

So if Wal-Mart wasn't enough, they had a big yard sale at the facility on Saturday. Mom's room is FILLED with stuff. She got a ton of clothes, shoes, books, TOYS (for babies!), kitchen stuff, tons of things.

As so often is the case with bi-polars, she's momentarily come to her senses. She's found herself sitting in chaos. She realizes it's a chaos of her own making and is coming down. She's headed for an emotional crash.

Her chair, again, was piled high with schtuff and she complained of how sore she was from sitting in the wheel chair. What to do, what to do...

I didn't have the energy to clean it up again today. She wants to go shopping on Sunday. How can we? There is NO PLACE LEFT to put anything. I'm hoping that by Sunday, I'll be rested up and can dig in once again.

Oh... and on a "lighter" note. Remember that 84 page PDF book I was so afraid to let my mother read? I found food soaked pages all over her room. Apparently she's not too broken up by it! LOL

They say bi-polars have a predictable pattern to their lives. So do the people who live with them. I know it sounds like I've got the short end of the stick here, but I think it's my mom who's suffering the most. She looked so bewildered and overwhelmed today. And there wasn't anything I could do to help her. One hundred percent of my energy was being put toward pressing my upper lip against my lower lip and shutting the heck up. I WANTED to scold, yell, question, advise, and fix. I just kept my mouth shut. It was EXHAUSTING!!!


Anonymous said...

Big hugs to you, Nansi. You have a thankless job that is forgotten as soon as the winds change. Worst part (for this of bi-polar is how urgent and vibrant the moment we are in seems. And when it is gone, it is just that: gone. You have a better recall of the messes and cycles than your mom does. I admire you for continuing to be sanity in her deteriorating life.



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