Shout out! Hey Poconos!!!

I wanted to say "hey" to the Anthem Guy who is always so helpful and makes my job look SO easy!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Felix and Oscar...

This has been a hard year. I'm tired. I'm scared almost all the time. I'm scared that I'm letting my mom down... scared that I'm not doing a good job at work... scared that I'm not a good enough mother... scared that I won't be a good wife...

A few weeks ago I was asked to run the admissions department for a couple of days. I did the sign-in paperwork with a new family. As the family member described her mother, I kept saying things like "Yeh, my mom too." or "Oh my gosh! My mom likes that show too!" Mom needed a room mate.

The two of them have totally hit it off. Mom's roomie will come scold me if I haven't spent enough time with my mom. She really looks after Mom, and vise versa.

The nurses tell me that the roomie takes Mom's glasses off every night and turns her reading lamp out. It's such a blessing to know that someone is being so tender and loving with Mom.

We light-heartedly refer to this pair as "The Odd Couple". Mom's so messy, and her roomie is a neat nick. Their room looks like the opening credits of the odd couple. One half is stylish and neat as a pin, the other a mish mosh of odd collections and clutter.

Yet they really have bonded. They're so cute! I went down today to find them side by side, watching Oprah. BOTH OF THEIR TV's WERE TUNED TO THE SAME SHOW! But there they were watching and sipping tea. Can I tell you what a comfort that is for me?

Sunday is the family celebration of our wedding. Mom wants to bring her roomie along. I'm thrilled to have her.



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